The Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape
Research, better known as WSL (which stands for Wald, Schnee, und Landschaft
meaning Forest, Snow, and Landscape) houses the largest dendrochronology
laboratory in Europe.
WSL is a large research consortium that has offices in Birmensdorf,
Davos, Lausanne, Bellinzona, and Sion with Birmensdorf being the largest
center. They divide themselves into 10 different research units (Forest
Resources and Management, Forest Dynamics, Forest Soils and Biogeochemistry, Landscape
Dynamics, Mountain Hydrology and Mass Movements, Community Ecology, Snow
Avalanches and Prevention, Snow and Permafrost, Biodiversity and Conservation
Biology, and Economics and Social Sciences). While dendrochronology could
almost come under any of these headings, it is housed in the Landscape Dynamics
research unit where there are five subgroups (Dendroclimatology, Dendroecology,
Dynamic Macroecology, Landscape Ecology, and Remote Sensing). Dendrochronology
is housed in the first two subgroups which are led by Dr. David Frank and Dr.
Ulf Büntgen, respectively. In these two groups there are 44 individuals
including 11 with doctorate degrees.
Dr. David Frank - teamleader
Dr. Kerstin Treydte - scientific staff member
Daniel Nievergelt - technical staff member
Anne Verstege
1 visiting scientist
1 visiting scientist
4 PhD students
1 master student
1 temporary employee
2 trainees
PD Dr. Ulf Büntgen - teamleader
Prof. Dr. Fritz Schweingruber - visiting scientist
Dr. Paolo Cherubini - senior scientist
Dr. Patrick Fonti - scientific staff member
Dr. Holger Gärtner - scientific staff member
Dr. Bettina Wagner - scientific staff member
Dr. Georg von Arx - scientific staff member
Dr. Bako Harisoa Ravaomanalina - visiting scientist
Dr. Juan Diego Galván Candela - Postdoc
Loïc Schneider
5 visiting scientists
5 visiting scientists
5 PhD students
6 master students
3 trainees
1 temporary employee
1 civil service employee
1 guest
From front left Dejan Stojanović, David Frank, Fritz
Schweingruber, Ulf Büntgen, Dario Martin-Benito, myself, and Paolo Cherubini.
We were also later joined by Patrick Fonti and Volodymyr Trotsiuk. I would like
to thank Dejan Stojanović for sharing this photograph. I downloaded about 1300
pictures to my Asus Tablet and the next morning, it would not turn on. The
company cleared the hard drive while replacing the motherboard so these are the
only photos I have from my visit. This has left me with no original photos of
the WSL Laboratory and its lead scientists besides what is included in this
One of the very nice things about WSL is the proximity of so
many forest, soil, and landscape researchers. If one has questions about soil
mycology as it relates to tree growth and insect outbreaks (as I do), there would
be colleagues to talk to just down the hall. They also have a nice library of
forestry literature and are connected to a library consortium from which any
requested items will be delivered within 24 hours from across Switzerland. This
seems like a very intensive and productive space to conduct research.
My visit was far too short, but I had a chance to talk with
most of the lead scientists although Dr. Kerstin Treydte was away in Australia
on sabbatical (see Treydte et al. 2006). I had the chance to see Dr.
Schweingruber's office and lab where he has developed so many books that
introduce the field of dendrochronology (Schweingruber 1988, 1996) of wood
anatomy from woody stems (from shrubs to trees) around the world (e.g.
Schweingruber 1990). It was great to talk to him after the many years since I
saw him last. I had the chance to see his original densitometry sections and
plots in the WSL archives that where the basis for much of the work in his
papers (Schweingruber et al. 1979,
Schweingruber et al. 1988). I also
got to see the wood archives of his samples from the northern Eurasian
transects (Schweingruber and Briffa 1996).
I had a good conversation with Dr. Ulf Büntgen and got to
hear about his work with annual banding on ibex horns (Büntgen et al. 2014), truffle mushrooms (Büntgen
et al. 2011), and hear some about his
work with long-term climate reconstructions in Europe that also consider human
susceptibility to these climate changes (Büntgen et al. 2005, Büntgen et al.
2006, Büntgen et al. 2011).
Dr. David Frank was kind enough to host me at his house for
a few days during my visit. Dr. Frank was a group leader at the Tasmanian
fieldweek where I first got to know him better after meeting him at
Ameridendro, WorldDendro, and other conferences. His work in long-term climate
reconstruction and ensemble reconstruction has been interesting to follow (Frank
and Esper 2005a, Frank and Esper 2005b, Frank et al. 2007a, Frank et al. 2007b,
Frank et al. 2010). I really enjoyed his presentation at WorldDendro 2014 on
the multiple causes for what has been called the Divergence Issue. I also
enjoyed talking to him about a paper that just came out that he co-authored
that examines the effect of sampling design on research results in
dendrochronology (Nehrbass‐Ahles et al. 2014).
It was great to see Dr. Holger Gärtner's microtomes (image is of the full core microtome - photo credit to Holger Gärtner and the WSL in
action where they were invented (Gärtner and Nievergelt 2010). I would highly
recommend the wood anatomy workshop that he teaches with Dr. Fritz
Schweingruber and would also recommend purchasing his microtomes. I really like
Dr. Gärtner's work with wood anatomy of root to stem transitions (Gärtner et
al. 2001, Gärtner 2007). Loïc Schneider has worked with Holger to contribute to the literature using new techniques to prepare micro sections (Schneider and Gärtner 2013).
I had met Dr. Georg von Arx at the University of Arizona
Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research during my sabbatical visit there in 2008 and
heard about the program ROXAS (Photo credit - Patrick Fonti;
that he is developing to measure cell size in angiosperms (von Arx and Dietz
2005). It was great to hear how that work has progressed
and now also includes analysis of conifer wood (von Arx and Carrer 2014), and to get an individual tutorial on the program. I am starting to feel that I need to start
more work in wood anatomy.
It was good to see Dr. Paolo Cherubini again after much time
together at international conferences. He has done interesting and
ground-breaking work on fungal effect on tree-growth (Cherubini et al. 2002),
exploring tree species with growth rings in the Mediterranean (Cherubini et al.
2003), investigating sampling bias in tree-ring results which is a more popular
topic today (Cherubini et al. 1998), some early work in spatiotemporal dynamics
from tree-rings (Cherubini et al. 1996), and more recently adding to the
discussion about dating the Santorini volcanic eruption (Cherubini et al. 2013, Cherubini et al. 2014).
He was very helpful in providing supporting letters for my sabbatical
application and partly hosting my stay while at WSL.
Dr. Bako Harisoa Ravaomanalina is a visiting scientist from
Madagascar who is working on a book with Dr. Schweingruber showing the wood
anatomy of the variety of ebony species. Ebony (Diospyros spp.) is a set of
species that is endangered and protected in Madagascar and restricted in global
trade. Dr. Harisoa Ravaomanalina works for the Madagascar customs office and
uses wood anatomy to identify the wood that is being traded across
international borders which is a very interesting use of the science that we do.
I also got to see the Trephor micro core plug extractor in
action that is hammered into the tree, cutting a 2mm micro core that is just a 15-25mm
long (you can buy different length core bits depending upon the depth needed).
This tool was invented in Italy by Rossi et al. in 2004 (see the entry on the
University of Padua for a more extensive description).
The town of Kippel in the Lötschental Valley has also been
the location where Dr. Kerstin Treydte and Dr. David Frank have organized the
European Dendroecological Fieldweek for a couple of years (total of 25 annual
fieldweeks to date). The community house (pictured here with Patrick and Dani
walking in front of it) was the location of the labs and sleeping quarters. This
European fieldweek was the first of its kinds that Paul Krusic emulated with
his North American Dendroecological Fieldweek (23 annual fieldweeks completed).
Now we have a South American fieldweek, Asian fieldweek, Middle East fieldweek,
and international fieldweeks associated with the WorldDendro conferences.
The old houses in the village and the surrounding area are
where the samples came from for the Esper et
al. (2007) 1,200-year long Larch budmoth reconstruction. It was great to
see where these samples came from considering I had just reread this paper two
weeks prior to my visit (very good paper).
Dani Nievergelt along with Dr. David Frank found buried wood
in the middle of Zurich in the area of Binz that dates to 12,000-15,000 years
before present (based on preliminary radiocarbon dating). WSL has the start of
a continuous 15,000 year-long chronology from the work of Klaus Felix Kaiser
which Dani has been continuing (Kaiser 1993). Now with the addition of about
200 stems from Binz, they are likely to fill in these gaps and extend this
chronology with good sample depth prior to the Holocene to join other long-chronology
work by Dr. Richard Guyette and Dr. Michael Stambough in Missouri (Stambough
and Guyette 2009), Mauri Timonen and others in Finland (Timonen et al. 2013),
and Rob Wilson and others working on the Scottish long chronology (Wilson et
al. 2012).
It was nice to also visit with Dr. Dario Martin-Benito (Martín-Benito et al. 2008, Martin-Benito 2010) who
recently took a postdoc position at the University of Zurich and was a group
leader in dendroecology at our North American Dendroecological Fieldweek at
Black Rock Forest, NY in 2013. I also had very good conversations with Dejan
Stojanović (Stojanović et al. 2013) from Serbia and Volodymyr Trotsiuk (Trotsiuk et al. 2012) who is from the Ukraine but
currently studying in the Czech Republic (see more about that lab in a later
Büntgen, U.,
Esper, J., Frank, D. C., Nicolussi, K., & Schmidhalter, M. (2005). A 1052-year
tree-ring proxy for Alpine summer temperatures. Climate Dynamics, 25(2-3),
Büntgen, U.,
Frank, D. C., Nievergelt, D., & Esper, J. (2006). Summer temperature
variations in the European Alps, AD 755–2004. Journal of Climate, 19(21).
Büntgen, U.,
Kauserud, H., & Egli, S. (2011). Linking climate variability to mushroom
productivity and phenology. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 10(1),
Büntgen, U.,
Liebhold, A., Jenny, H., Mysterud, A., Egli, S., Nievergelt, D., ... &
Bollmann, K. (2014). European springtime temperature synchronises ibex horn
growth across the eastern Swiss Alps. Ecology letters, 17(3),
Büntgen, U.,
Tegel, W., Nicolussi, K., McCormick, M., Frank, D., Trouet, V., ... &
Esper, J. (2011). 2500 years of European climate variability and human
susceptibility. Science, 331(6017), 578-582.
Cherubini, P.,
Dobbertin, M., & Innes, J. L. (1998). Potential sampling bias in long-term
forest growth trends reconstructed from tree rings: a case study from the
Italian Alps. Forest Ecology and
Management, 109(1), 103-118.
Cherubini, P.,
Fontana, G., Rigling, D., Dobbertin, M., Brang, P., & Innes, J. L. (2002).
history prior to death: two fungal root pathogens affect tree‐ring
growth differently. Journal of ecology,
90(5), 839-850.
Cherubini, P.,
Gartner, B. L., Tognetti, R., Bräker, O. U., Schoch, W., & Innes, J. L.
(2003). Identification, measurement and interpretation of tree rings in woody
species from Mediterranean climates. Biological
Reviews, 78(1), 119-148.
Cherubini, P.,
Humbel, T., Beeckman, H., Gärtner, H., Mannes, D., Pearson, C., ... &
Lev-Yadun, S. (2013). Olive tree-ring problematic dating: a comparative
analysis on Santorini (Greece). PloS one, 8(1), e54730.
Cherubini, P., Humbel,
T., Beeckman, H., Gartner, H., Mannes, D., Pearson, C., ... &
Lev-Yadun, S. (2014). The olive-branch dating of the Santorini eruption.
Antiquity, 88(339), 267-273.
Cherubini, P.,
Schweingruber, F. H., & Piussi, P. (1996). Spatiotemporal growth dynamics
and disturbances in a subalpine spruce forest in the Alps: a dendroecological
reconstruction. Canadian Journal of
Forest Research, 26(6), 991-1001.
Esper, J.,
Büntgen, U., Frank, D. C., Nievergelt, D., & Liebhold, A. (2007). 1200
years of regular outbreaks in alpine insects. Proceedings of the Royal
Society B: Biological Sciences, 274(1610), 671-679.
Frank, D.,
Büntgen, U., Böhm, R., Maugeri, M., & Esper, J. (2007a). Warmer early
instrumental measurements versus
colder reconstructed temperatures: shooting at a moving target. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26(25),
Frank, D., &
Esper, J. (2005a). Characterization and climate response patterns of a
high-elevation, multi-species tree-ring network in the European Alps. Dendrochronologia, 22(2), 107-121.
Frank, D., &
Esper, J. (2005b). Temperature reconstructions and comparisons with instrumental
data from a tree‐ring network for the European Alps. International Journal of Climatology,
25(11), 1437-1454.
Frank, D., Esper,
J., & Cook, E. R. (2007b). Adjustment for proxy number and coherence in a
temperature reconstruction. Geophysical
Research Letters, 34(16).
Frank, D. C.,
Esper, J., Raible, C. C., Büntgen, U., Trouet, V., Stocker, B., & Joos, F.
(2010). Ensemble reconstruction constraints on the global carbon cycle
sensitivity to climate. Nature,
463(7280), 527-530.
Fonti, P.,
Eilmann, B., García-González, I., & von Arx, G. (2009). Expeditious
building of ring-porous earlywood vessel chronologies without loosing signal
information. Trees, 23(3), 665-671.
Fonti, P., &
García‐González, I. (2004). Suitability of chestnut earlywood
vessel chronologies for ecological studies. New Phytologist, 163(1),
Fonti, P., &
García‐González, I. (2008). Earlywood vessel size of oak as a
potential proxy for spring precipitation in mesic sites. Journal of
Biogeography, 35(12), 2249-2257.
Fonti, P.,
Solomonoff, N., & García‐González, I. (2007). Earlywood
vessels of Castanea sativa record temperature before their formation. New Phytologist, 173(3), 562-570.
Fonti, P., von
Arx, G., García‐González, I., Eilmann, B., Sass‐Klaassen,
U., Gärtner, H., & Eckstein, D. (2010). Studying global change through
investigation of the plastic responses of xylem anatomy in tree rings. New
Phytologist, 185(1), 42-53.
Gärtner, H.
(2007). Tree roots—methodological review and new development in dating and
quantifying erosive processes. Geomorphology,
86(3), 243-251.
Gärtner, H.,
& Nievergelt, D. (2010). The core-microtome: A new tool for surface
preparation on cores and time series analysis of varying cell parameters. Dendrochronologia, 28(2), 85-92.
Gärtner, H.,
Schweingruber, F. H., & Dikau, R. (2001). Determination of erosion rates by
analyzing structural changes in the growth pattern of exposed roots. Dendrochronologia,
19(1), 81-91.
Kaiser, K.F.
1993. Growth rings as indicators of glacier advances, surges and floods.
Dendrochronologia, 11, 101-122.
Martín-Benito, D.,
Cherubini, P., del Río, M., & Cañellas, I. (2008). Growth response
to climate and drought in Pinus nigra Arn. trees of different crown
classes. Trees, 22(3), 363-373.
Martín-Benito, D., Del
Río, M., Heinrich, I., Helle, G., & Canellas, I. (2010). Response of
climate-growth relationships and water use efficiency to thinning in
a Pinus nigra afforestation. Forest Ecology and Management, 259(5), 967-975.
C., Babst, F., Klesse, S., Nötzli, M., Bouriaud, O., Neukom, R., ... &
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Schneider, L., & Gärtner, H. (2013). The advantage of using a starch based non-Newtonian fluid to prepare micro sections. Dendrochronologia, 31(3), 175-178.
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Schweingruber, F.
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from central Europe and Great Britain. Boreas, 8(4), 427-452.
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Stambaugh, M. C.,
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from the central United States. Tree-Ring Research, 65(2),
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Stojnić, S. (2013). Prediction of the European beech (Fagus
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climate model: An example from southeast Europe. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 176, 94-103.
Timonen, M.,
Jiang, J., Helama, S., & Mielikäinen, K. (2013). Significant changes of
subseries-means in the Finnish tree-ring index of 7638 years, with comparisons
to glaciological evidence from Greenland and Alps. Quaternary International.
Treydte, K. S.,
Schleser, G. H., Helle, G., Frank, D. C., Winiger, M., Haug, G. H., &
Esper, J. (2006). The twentieth century was the wettest period in northern
Pakistan over the past millennium. Nature,
440(7088), 1179-1182.
Trotsiuk, V., Hobi, M.
L., & Commarmot, B. (2012). Age structure and disturbance dynamics
of the relic virgin beech forest Uholka (Ukrainian Carpathians). Forest Ecology and Management, 265, 181-190.
von Arx G and Carrer M (2014) ROXAS - a new tool to build
centuries-long tracheid-lumen chronologies in conifers.
Dendrochronologia. In press.
von Arx, G.,
& Dietz, H. (2005). Automated image analysis of annual rings in the roots
of perennial forbs. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 166(5), 723-732.
Wilson, R.,
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Gunnarson, B. E. (2012). Reconstructing Holocene climate from tree rings: The
potential for a long chronology from the Scottish Highlands. The Holocene,
22(1), 3-11.
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